The charismatic Charles Wade Chapter 2481-2500 - EthicLearner (2024)

Chapter 2481

“Kidnapping?!” Harvey’s expression twitched.

What he fears most is that Shoude is kidnapped.

So he couldn’t help thinking in his heart: “How do I say I am also one of the veteran-level masters of the Su family. This time I personally came to Aurous Hill to protect the second son. If he is really kidnapped silently under my nose, then Where to put this old face? How can I explain to the master when I go back?”

Immediately, he thought of Steve who lives next door to Shoude, as if grabbing a life-saving straw, and blurted out: “Will the boss chat with that American next door?!”

The assistant, like him, was waiting for a miracle to happen. Seeing that the Master Su was nowhere to be found in Presidential Suit, he was panicked to death. Hearing this, his eyes immediately brightened and he blurted out excitedly: “It is possible, really possible!”

After speaking, immediately turned around and ran out.

Others hurriedly followed.

As a result, when he rang the doorbell in the next room, there was still no response.

The people who were still holding a glimmer of hope immediately sank their hearts to the bottom.

Everyone looked at Elder Harvey, waiting for him to make an idea.

Harvey usually has a calm and unpredictable expression on his face, and his expression at this time is exactly the same as when his father died when he was 18 years old.

With a dark face, he kicked Stephen’s door open and rushed in with everyone, only to find that Stephen, like Shoude, had also evaporated…

Harvey was like a dog, smelling here, looking there, and groping around for a long time, but didn’t find any valuable clues. He was so panicked that at the end of the touch, his hands trembled uncontrollably.

Finally, he sat down on the ground and said with a gray face: “Quick…Call the master to report!”


A few minutes ago, Chengfeng Su just lay down.

Originally, what happened in Aurous Hill made him sleepless.

In particular, the whereabouts of Liona and Zhiyu are unaccounted for, making him always worried about the incident.

Moreover, he was indeed a little worried about his eldest granddaughter Zhiyu, after all, she was apple of his eyes since childhood, and he really loved her very much.

However, as the Su family gradually took control of public opinion, his inner worries eased a lot.

Although he was still a little worried about Zhiyu, he later thought about it carefully. Zhiyu and Liona got into the car together, had a car accident together, and disappeared together. If he hoped that Liona would die, Zhiyu would certainly not escape death.

If he hope that Zhiyu will survive, then Liona will probably survive too.

Therefore, he later turned his mind back and thought to himself: “The most worry-free result is that the two should die together. Otherwise, if only Zhiyu is alive, then based on her character, she will definitely do everything possible. , Investigate the whole thing, and maybe they will turn against me at that time, so I just hope they die, so I don’t have to worry myself…”

He was somewhat relieved to understand this level.

Now just wait for Shoude to feed back the message confirming the death of their wives as soon as possible.

At this moment, the butler knocked on the door to announce: “Master, the Du family is here…”

“The Du Family?” Chengfeng Su was a big head and asked, “Why are they here?”

Chapter 2482

The butler hurriedly said: “Elijah, old man, brought Renel, the eldest of the Du family, with him.”

Elder Su couldn’t help rubbing his temples, and sighed inwardly, “What the f*ck, what did the Du family come to see me for? Didn’t they come to me and ask the teacher? Shouldn’t it, Aurous Hill is not my site, and there is no evidence to prove it that Liona was killed by me. Did they ask me about it?”

“However, the Du’s family is still my in-laws after all, and they also have a deep relationship at the top level. They can’t clearly be offended, so I can only deal with it!”

Thinking of this, Elder Su said to the butler: “You arrange for them to sit in the living room for a while, and I will come there.”

“OK, lord!”

A few minutes later, Mr. Su stepped into the living room.

As soon as he arrived in the living room, he saw the Du family’s father and son standing in the middle of the living room with an angry face.

He immediately pretended to have a pained expression, greeted him, and sobbed: “Father-in-law…what is going on with Liona and Zhiyu, do you have any information??”

Elijah said coldly: “Chengfeng! I still want to ask you! Does the matter between Liona and Zhiyu have anything to do with you?! You’d better tell me the truth, otherwise, Elijah and you are at odds!”

“Me?!” Grandpa Su pointed to his nose and said with a heartache: “Liona is my daughter-in-law, and Zhiyu is my granddaughter. How could I hurt them?!”

After speaking, he immediately added: “You tell me, I have sent Shoude to Aurous Hill to investigate and rescue, even if I try my best, I must try my best to keep them safe!”

Although Elijah had some doubts about Father Su, there was no evidence after all.

And one thing that puzzles him a little is that he knows that Grandpa Su loves Zhiyu, his granddaughter very much. If Liona had an accident, they would think 80% of the work was done by Grandpa Su or Zynn, who is far away in Australia.

However, because Zhiyu also followed suit, they both felt that the two men would not murder their granddaughter or their daughter.

Therefore, Elijah, who is not sure about the situation for the time being, asked coldly: “Did Shoude go to Aurous Hill to investigate? Any results?”

“This…” Mr. Su said with a sad expression: “I haven’t received any clear feedback yet. He just told me that he has asked people to search the hospital in Aurous Hill, but they didn’t find any lead.”

With that said, Old Man Su hurriedly said, “Don’t worry, father-in-law, I will call now and ask Shoude if there is any update?”

Elijah nodded and said: “Okay, then you can ask him!”

As he was talking, the butler’s cell phone rang suddenly, and he hurried to the corner to connect, and then ran over to report: “Master, it’s Mr. Harvey’s call, he’s saying that there is something important to report to you!”

“Oh?” Elder Su said hurriedly, “Give me the phone!”

The housekeeper hurriedly handed him the phone number. After the old man Su connected, he immediately asked: “Mr. Harvey, have you found any important clues in Aurous Hill?”

Harvey said with a trembling voice: “Old…Master…Yes…I’m sorry…”

“Sorry for what?” Elder Su noticed something wrong, frowned and asked, “What is the important thing, hurry up!”

Harvey choked and said, “Second Young Master… Second Young Master…”

Old man Su was mad and blurted out: “Don’t talk nonsense, when you talk to me! What happened to Shoude? Hurry up!”

Harvey sighed heavily, “Master! Second Young Master…he…he is missing!”

Suddenly, the whole person was excited, and he blurted out: “Missing?! What the hell are you talking about?! A living person, under your nose, disappeared right after arriving in Aurous Hill?!”

Chapter 2483

chengfeng couldn’t accept it. His second son had just arrived in Aurous Hill and had not even been able to spend the night in Aurous Hill. He had disappeared.

Besides, Harvey’s strength he knows.

Playing for the Su family for many years, it is almost a rare match.

Shoude had him secretly protected, how could he still disappear?

Mr. Harvey on the phone was also lamenting at this time, and said with shame: “Master…I have been on the same floor as the second son, and I have been guarding against any disturbances, but unexpectedly, the second son suddenly seemed has evaporated from the world, disappearing from his room…this…this whole thing is so weird that I can’t believe it…”

As he said, he hurriedly said again: “By the way, not only the second son is missing, but even the new friend of the second son is also missing.”

Elder Su hurriedly asked, “A new friend? What kind of friend?”

Elder Harvey hurriedly explained: “It was an American that the second son met at the airport. Their family had something to do with the Ruthschild family, and he happened to book the same hotel with the second son, so the second son invited him to stay. He was next door.”

Elder Su blurted out and asked, “Could it be that American has any problems?”

“Not very much,” said Elder Harvey, “I have observed that American is an ordinary middle-aged person, not like someone with kung fu or special strength, so it must not be him.”

Grandpa Su frowned and said coldly, “This thing is even more weird. It is already very difficult to let one person disappear under your noses silently, let alone get two people away at the same time?! “

Elder Harvey hurriedly said, “Yes, sir, I suspect that the opponent must be a master of masters!”

Elder Su said nervously, “How can such a powerful person exist in such a small place as Aurous Hill? You have been among martial artists for so many years. Have you heard of any masters in Aurous Hill?”

“Never.” Elder Harvey said truthfully, “Master, frankly speaking, Aurous Hill doesn’t even have a martial arts clan that can be slightly famous.”

“Then it’s even more weird…” Elder Su felt a panic in his heart. He couldn’t help but rubbed his temples and said, “Aurous Hill is really weird, Liona and Zhiyu’s whereabouts are still unknown, and they disappeared suddenly after being guarded. It feels like there is a strong magnetic field in this place that is inexplicable and unknown, and there is a strange and mysterious person somewhere…”

Elder Harvey hurriedly said: “Master, strange things are not only that. The American today came to Aurous Hill from a long distance because he was also looking for his son. His whole company disappeared together, and no news or clues were found…”

“This…” Old Su felt a chill in his back.

He really didn’t understand what kind of strong man was hiding behind him.

With this ability to cover the sky with one hand, that person must be extraordinary!

So he hurriedly gritted his teeth and said: “Harvey, no matter what method you use, you must find Shoude’s whereabouts. If you can’t find them, then you don’t have to come back!”

After that, he glanced at Elijah aside, and hurriedly said again: “There are also Liona and Zhiyu! The three of them are from the Su family. We must bring them back safely!”

Chapter 2484

Harvey hurriedly said, “Master, don’t worry, I will go all out!”

Elder Su said, “Okay! Investigate clues in Aurous Hill first, and I will send someone to support you immediately!”

After hanging up the phone, Mr. Su said to Elijah with a guilty expression: “My father-in-law, you heard it just now. Now not only Liona and Zhiyu are missing, but Shoude is also missing. You can no longer doubt that Am I messing up behind your back? Liona is my daughter-in-law, Zhiyu is my own granddaughter, and Shoude is my own son. Obviously someone is deliberately targeting our Su family!”

Elijah originally came with the motive of prospering the teacher to inquire about crimes, but what happened just now made him involuntarily dispelling the suspicion of chengfeng’s involvement.

When things have reached this point, in his opinion, it is absolutely impossible for chengfeng to play a ghost behind his back. Some people even don’t let Shoude go. This shows that they are people going to fight against the Su family.

Thinking of this, he hurriedly asked, “Old Su, are you telling me the truth, have you offended anyone recently? Think about it, who is more suspicious in your eyes?”

Elder Su spread his hand out and said, “You know my character. I don’t usually constrain, so I offend many people. So now you make me think, I can’t think of who it will be.”

Elijah couldn’t help sighing. He knew very well that chengfeng was telling the truth.

Since the Su family surpassed the Wade family and became the first family of China, chengfeng has always regarded himself as the leader of the business community. He is usually arrogant. Not concerned, and many people are offended by him.

Thinking of this, he said sternly: “Old Su, what happened just now was that I was rash. The top priority now is to quickly find out all three of them. I sent people to Aurous Hill two hours ago. I think it’s better for our two families to investigate together, what do you think?”

Seeing that he had temporarily resolved Elijah’s suspicion, he was slightly relieved and said: “Oh, my father-in-law, if you would be willing to investigate with me, that would be great! I’m afraid you will blame me and misunderstand me. You were so grudged with me, I didn’t expect that you would still be willing to join hands with the two. It really moved me!”

Elijah said a little apologetically: “I just said something inappropriate because I was impatient for a while, and I hope you don’t mind too much.”

Elder Su immediately said ashamed: “How could it be my father-in-law! You handed Liona to our Su family, and we failed to protect her. This is the Su family’s responsibility. Even if you beat me, it is also me. chengfeng deserves it…”

As he said, he sighed and waved his hand: “Hey, let’s not talk about this! The top priority now is that we have to quickly send more people to Aurous Hill. Even if Aurous Hill is turned upside down, we must take them all. Save our all children!”

Elijah nodded and said, “In this case, Renel and I will go back and sort out all the resources and contacts, and transfer all the available personnel to Aurous Hill as soon as possible!”

“Okay!” Elder Su also deliberately pretended to be excited, and said, “If this is the case, then I will immediately mobilize all the manpower that can be mobilized!”

Elijah gave a hum and said, “My father-in-law, then we will leave first!”

Elder Su hurriedly said, “I will send you out!”

Elijah hurriedly said: “Don’t be so polite, we just go out by ourselves.”

Elder Su pretended to be angry and said, “My father-in-law, what can you do with me? Come, I’ll see you off!”

Chapter 2485

At this moment, Aurous Hill.

The helicopter flew all the way to the dog farm of Orvel.

At this time, the kennel is already busy.

Orvel took his confidant and was looking forward to it, waiting for Charlie’s arrival.

As the roar of helicopters in the sky grew louder and louder, everyone’s expectations were also beyond words.

Immediately afterwards, the helicopter descended slowly and stopped in the middle of the kennel.

Orvel immediately led people to greet him.

At this time, Issac opened the helicopter’s hatch, and then made an inviting gesture to Charlie, respectfully saying, “Master, please!”

Charlie nodded and got off the plane with Ruoli.

Orvel hurriedly said, “Master, I have prepared the single room for the warm father-son reunion ceremony. It is all ready. When do you think we start?”

“Don’t worry.” Charlie waved his hand and pointed to Shoude and Steve who were still unconscious in the cabin. Leave only a pair of pants, and pour a basin of cold water on each of them. By the way, remember to open the windows.”

It is still in the first month of the year, and the weather in Aurous Hill is still cold, showing no signs of warming up.

In this kind of weather, if you are stripped of your clothes and poured on a basin of cold water, and you are still in a room with wide open windows, most people probably cannot bear it.

Orvel didn’t hesitate at all, and immediately said to his men next to him, “Hurry up and bring these two guys to the office. Besides, go to the individual and get some cold water!”

Several subordinates immediately stepped forward and dragged the unconscious Shoude and Steve directly to Orvel’s office.

Charlie asked at this moment: “Orvel, how is Walter now?”

Orvel hurriedly said: “Master, Walter is now in the late stage of uremia. Don’t worry, I have given full play to the humanitarian spirit and actively treated him. Now he is given hemodialysis once a day. Basically, Keep his dog’s life.”

Charlie nodded and said, “Take me to see him!”

“OK Master!”

Orvel took Charlie and Issac to the that area of ​​the kennel. Charlie walked, observing left and right, and exclaimed, “Your place is indeed going to be expanded. Do you have any plans to start construction?”

Orvel respectfully said, “Master, since President Issac told me about this last time, I have already asked people to come up with an expansion plan!”

After speaking, he introduced to Charlie very seriously: “My current preliminary plan is to free up an area of ​​500 square meters in the yard, excavate this area directly, and build a three-story underground. By then, the total usable area of ​​the three-dimensional kennel will be at least more than 1,000 square meters. It will be no problem to build 70 or 80 kennels!”

“This three-dimensional kennel is entirely made of reinforced concrete. There are no exits on the three underground floors. All entrances and exits are concentrated in a large room on the ground. People must go through this large room for security inspection. Twenty-four hours of security by guards to ensure that no dog is allowed to escape from the kennel!”

Charlie smiled slightly and joked, “In that case, your kennel can raise at least a thousand dogs.”

“Yeah, Master!” Orvel said with a smile: “Expanding at this scale should be enough, but as long as you say something, I can continue to expand at any time. It is not possible. We can put the entire kennel underground and develope it!”

Charlie nodded in satisfaction, and said, “If you don’t have enough money, please tell me at any time. I personally still have a good view of business. It doesn’t matter if I invest more!”

Issac was listening to the chat between the two of them. For some reason, what he imagined in his mind was all kinds of people locked in dog cages.

At this time, a few people have come to the gate of the kennel.

Chapter 2486

Orvel immediately asked people to open the heavy iron door. As soon as he entered the door, he heard the fighting dogs in the surrounding kennels barking.

Seeing this, Orvel immediately shouted with a cold face: “It’s all the fu*king to shut up for Master, whoever dares to bark, I will kill today!”

Amazingly, when Orvel shouted, all the dogs in the kennel stopped without exception.

Orvel was satisfied and said to Charlie, “Master, please here!”

Charlie followed Orvel into the kennel. In the middle, he saw all of Walter’s men and Chengfeng’s men, Stuart and the four of them.

When Stuart saw Charlie, his eyes looked like a ghost.

Since being imprisoned in the kennel and seeing Walter’s fate with his own eyes, Stuart’s fear of Charlie has deepened several layers.

He is locked here now, and what is most worried about is how Charlie will send him off next.

In the unlikely event that someone arranges a “set meal” similar to Walter for himself, wouldn’t he be better off in this life? !

What frightened him even more was what if Charlie really let someone raise a group of African hyenas? !

Therefore, he saw Charlie coming over, behind the iron cage, kneeling on the ground and started begging to Charlie: “…Master, please forgive me…We really knew that we were wrong. Please be merciful and go around us…”

Orvel shouted sharply at this time: “You guys are fu*king crooked, I’ll just tie you up and throw you into a dogfight that have been hungry for more than three days!”

Stuart immediately trembled in shock. Like the barking fighting dogs before, he didn’t even dare to say a word for a moment.

Orvel hurriedly said to Charlie: “Master, don’t mind, these new guys don’t understand the rules. Let me train them for a few days. In a few days, they will become honest and convincing. Totally docile.”

Charlie nodded and said indifferently, “These people are extremely sinful and they are of no use value. If they perform well, they will be left with a dog. If they do not perform well, just kill them.”

Orvel said immediately, “OK, Master!”

Stuart was even more frightened when he heard Charlie’s words.

He knew that he had no use value to Charlie now, because he had already recorded a video exposing the crimes of the Su family under Charlie’s persecution. Under this circ*mstance, it is really possible for Charlie to ask him for his life at any time.

At this time, Orvel took Charlie past the cage of Stuart and the others, pointed to an iron cage not far away, and said, “Master, Walter is in that cage.”

Charlie looked in the direction of his fingers, and saw a single hospital bed in the iron cage, and several various medical devices beside.

Walter was lying on the hospital bed extremely weak, his whole body swollen for several laps.

Seeing Charlie coming, he was shocked and scared, and at the same time he hated Charlie.

After all, he is also the pride of the sky. Having suffered such a serious crime these days, the whole person is like falling into the 18th floor of hell, so naturally he is full of hatred for Charlie.

Charlie came to the iron cage, looked at Walter, who was pale and swollen, and asked with concern, “Mr. Walter, how are you feeling okay in the past two days? There is nothing wrong with my subordinates, right?”

Walter roared angrily: “Charlie, you are a total devil!”

Charlie asked curiously: “Oh? I’m the devil? I just want you to taste it. That’s the method you used to deal with others. Why am I a devil?”

Walter gritted his teeth and roared: “You better let me out quickly! Otherwise, our Hogwitz family will not let you go! The Rothschilds will not let you go! They will definitely come to Aurous Hill to kill you!”

Charlie smiled slightly and said, “Your Hogwitz family is indeed amazing. I heard that in order to find you, a guy named Steve Hogwitz came here. Are you familiar with this person?”

Chapter 2487

When Walter heard Charlie mention the words Steve Hogwitz, his expression immediately became amazed!

He did not expect that his father would rush to Aurous Hill himself to find him.

This did not make him feel half-divided, but it made him feel a deep panic deep in his heart.

Although he is still using the names of the Hogwarts family and the Ruthschild family to try to frighten Charlie and make a dying struggle.

However, he knew very well in his heart that he was nothing more than a fake tiger.

“Our family is just an ordinary cousin of the Ruthschild family, and the weight and energy are not that strong at all.”

“The so-called foreign relatives, in ancient and modern times, refer to the relatives of the emperor, the king’s mother, and his wife. It is also very simple to face directly, that is, relatives outside and unimportant relatives.”

“Therefore, the Ruthschild family basically won’t help me…”

“And the strength of our Hogwarts family is indeed not enough. In front of Charlie, it is not worth mentioning…”

“Father, he ran all the way to Aurous Hill. It is absolutely impossible to be an opponent of a snake like Charlie…”

“What’s more, Charlie is still the young master of Wade Family… the chairman of the Emgrand Group… the strength is tens of thousands of miles stronger than the Hogwitz family…”

“So, when he came to Aurous Hill, there is almost no possibility other than sending people away from thousands of miles…”

“If he also falls into Charlie’s hands, isn’t it all over?”

Thinking of this, Walter hurriedly said: “Wade, this is between the two of us, and he has nothing to do with it!!”

Charlie smiled and said, “Oh? What do you mean?”

Walter blurted out: “What I mean is very simple. In the words of your Chinese people, it would be misfortune to your family. So, if you have anything you want to do directly at me, don’t involve my dad too!”

Charlie nodded in agreement, and said seriously: “Walter, what you said sounds very reasonable.”

Walter hurriedly said, “Then you have to promise me, don’t do anything to my father!”

Charlie sighed helplessly and smiled: “I’m really sorry, Walter, you are a bit late.”

Walter’s eyes widened: “It’s a bit late?! What do you mean?!”

Charlie smiled and said, “Your dad has been arrested by me. I will bring him over to see you in a while, so that you, father and son, will reunite.”

As if struck by lightning, Walter blurted out, “You…why did you move my dad!”

Charlie smiled and said, “Why can’t I touch your father? Is your father made of gold?”

Walter said with a canthus: “My father has never provoke you! What right do you have to touch him?”

Charlie asked curiously, “Since you have said so, then I really want to ask you, has Doris’s father provoke you before?”

“I…” Walter was speechless.

He knew very well that the whole thing was all because of his own shamelessness.

Had it not been for letting people poison Doris’s father and forcing Doris to submit, he would not have had such a miserable end today.

So, Charlie asked him back now, and he was speechless all at once.

At this time, Charlie sneered and said, “You just wait here obediently, and I will send your dad over to reunite with you in a while.”

After that, he turned around and said to Orvel, “Orvel, come to your office.”

Orvel hurriedly said, “OK Master Wade, please follow me!”

Chapter 2488

At this moment, Shoude and Steve have been taken by Orvel’s men to office.

Because both of them were unconscious and were tied up, Orvel’s men could only use scissors to cut the clothes on the two of them into countless strips of cloth.

Until all the clothes on and off the two of them were cut, and only a pair of pants remained, a little brother stepped in.

He held an empty basin in one hand and a huge bucket in the other. He said with some difficulty, “Oh, this bucket of water is really heavy.”

One of the little bosses named Brother Biao walked up to him, put his hand in the bucket and smacked his mouth and said, “Little Si’er, your water is not too cold, what’s the matter?”

The younger brother, known as Xiaosi, hurriedly said: “Brother Biao, this water is taken from the bathroom tap. The water in the pipe itself may not be too cold.”

Brother Biao opened his mouth and said, “Hurry up and get some crushed ice in the freezer, go!”

Orvel’s kennel has hundreds of different breeds of fighting dogs, all of which are hugely appetizing breeds. In order to maintain the wild nature of fighting dogs, he usually feeds raw meat to the dogs.

With such a large amount of raw meat being consumed here, Orvel spent money to build a small cold storage specifically for storing various frozen meats.

Xiaosi brought back a large pile of ice cubes, Biaoge instructed him to pour all the ice cubes into the bucket.

The water in the bucket immediately became bitterly cold.

Immediately, Brother Biao looked at Shoude and Steve who were tied together, and slapped his lips: “Master Wade said to pour a basin of water for each of them, but these two old dogs are tied together, you guys, Hurry up and separate them first!”

As soon as the voice fell, they heard a voice saying, “There is no need to separate them anymore, just give them a bucket of water and get them both wet and dew…”

It was Charlie who spoke.

When Brother Biao saw Charlie coming, he hurriedly said respectfully: “OK, Master Wade!”

After speaking, he directly picked up the bucket and poured the entire bucket of ice water on Shoude and Steve.

This bucket of ice water with icy ballast immediately poured Shoude and Steve to the heart.

The two people woke up instantly!

The bone-to-heart cold made the two of them scream, their whole bodies trembling violently.

Shoude’s head even bears a pile of ice cubes that has not completely melted away.

The two realized that they had been tied into a ball, and they were suddenly terrified.

Shoude blurted out, “Wade…Charlie…Where did you get me?!”

Charlie smiled slightly and said, “Didn’t I tell you a long time ago? Seeing you come from afar, I, as the host, will naturally do my best as a landlord. I have prepared a good room for you. Come and enjoy yourself.”

Steve on the side also asked in a panic: “Who…who are you? What do you want to do?”

Charlie looked at him and said with a smile, “Mr. Steve, right? When we first meet, I will introduce myself. My name is Charlie, Charlie Wade.”

Steve said nervously, “Charlie?! I don’t seem to know you, why did you kidnap me?”

Charlie laughed, “Mr. Steve came to Aurous Hill this time to find your son Walter, right?”

Steve’s eyes widened and exclaimed, “You know Walter?!”

Charlie nodded and said lightly: “More than knowing, he was invited here by me.”

Steve couldn’t hide his excitement and said, “Where is he? I want to see him!”

Charlie smiled and said: “Don’t worry, I will arrange a grand reunion ceremony for you father and son in a moment, but you have to wait a little longer, I have something to do, I have to talk to Mr. Su first!”

After speaking, he looked at Shoude and sneered: “Mr. Su, be acquainted, just say what you have, don’t wait for me to force you to say it!”

Chapter 2489

Hearing Charlie’s words, Shoude’s fat body shuddered suddenly, and he blurted out: “I don’t know anything, what do you want me to say…”

Charlie took out his mobile phone from his pocket, pointed the camera at Shoude, and sneered, “I only give you one chance. You can tell me honestly, how did your Su family murder Liona and Zhiyu?”

“If your performance satisfies me, I can temporarily save you a dog’s life, but if your performance makes me unsatisfactory, then I will let you be listed as a missing person permanently!”

Shoude was shocked.

He is not a fool. Charlie kidnapped him directly. On the one hand, he proved that he has extraordinary strength. On the other hand, he also proved that he must have enough aftermath ability.

So, he thought to himself: “I disappeared silently in the eyes of the outside world this time. The outside world is afraid that they can’t find me at all. Even if Charlie kills me, it will be difficult for the outside world to find the body.”

“More importantly, everyone knows that Su Family’s people can’t be touched, but even so, Charlie dared to do something with me, which proves that he didn’t put Su Family in his eyes…”

Charlie didn’t put the Su family in his eyes, this was what worried Shoude the most.

He felt that Charlie didn’t try to make money, nor did he give any face to the Su family. In this case, he really wanted to kill him, probably its not just a sentence.

Therefore, if he does not perform well enough, he might really die in his hands.

So he sighed inwardly: “I betrayed my father today. If I survive, he will definitely not spare me in the future. In the final analysis, the most important thing at the moment is to save life first… ..”

“Otherwise, my father’s reputation is preserved, and my head is gone. What the hell am I?”

Thinking of this, he hurriedly said, “I…I peak…I speak all!”

Charlie pointed to the camera and said coldly, “Come on, face the camera, and explain to me word by word!”

Shoude immediately said, “The killing of Liona and Ruoli was indeed done by the Su family, but it was planned by my father Chengfeng alone, and it has nothing to do with me!”

Immediately afterwards, Shoude explained the whole process of plotting the old man Chengfeng to kill Liona.

Charlie thought slightly, and asked him, “Okay, then let me ask you, why did Chengfeng kill Zhiyu? Zhiyu is his granddaughter. This seems a bit unreasonable? Is it because the person who wants to kill her, is another person?!”

When Shoude heard this, he was so nervous that even his breathing was a little disordered, and his brain immediately started to revolve.

He knew very well that he wanted to kill Zhiyu, not what Elder Su meant.

However, under this situation, Shoude absolutely dare not admit it.

“Although I can’t figure out Charlie’s preference for Zhiyu, Charlie saved Zhiyu twice in Japan and in this city! This is a real fact!”

“So, if I confess to Charlie that I was actually going to kill Zhiyu, then Charlie might be even more upset to me…”

Thinking of this, Shoude had a plan to make a living, blurted out: “I’m telling you…Actually…In fact, my father is also very dissatisfied with Zhiyu. He always feels that she is always protecting her mother Liona. , With his elbow turned away, my father even suspected that Zhiyu was not from the Su family at all, so he planned to kill her and Liona together, and it would be a hundred…”

Charlie looked at him with interest, and asked, “Is this really the case?”

Shoude nodded unswervingly and said: “Really true! Everything I said is true!”

Charlie sneered and said, “It’s interesting…it’s interesting!”

Shoude looked at Charlie and felt nervous.

He didn’t know what Charlie meant.

Chapter 2490

Don’t know if he believed his own words, or if he knew it a long time ago, he secretly murdered Zhiyu.

Therefore, he decided to do everything possible to make Charlie believe in himself, and blurted out: “Actually, my father has long been dissatisfied with my elder brother’s family. He drove my elder brother to Australia a long time ago, and then deprived him of his Patriarch’s inheritance right…”

“This time, my father is not only going to kill Liona and Zhiyu, but before I come to this city, he also wanted me to put Zhifei under house arrest…”

“But this kid Zhifei reacted faster and escaped early. However, even if he escaped, many of the Su family members were looking for his whereabouts. Once he is found, he will be driven to Australia just like my elder brother; or, like his sister Zhiyu, was directly cleared.”

After listening to him, Charlie stopped filming the video and frowned, “Shoude, you keep saying that your father wanted to kill Zhiyu, but based on what I learned from other places, it seems that this is not the case. , Why do you want to put a poop on your father’s head?”

Shoude was shocked immediately, and blurted out, “No! I didn’t give my father any sh*t pots, but what I said is the truth!”

“The truth?” Charlie sneered: “Okay, I’ll find someone to come over and confront you!”

After speaking, he immediately said to Orvel, “Go and bring that Stuart!”

Shoude heard the word Stuart, his whole body was already scared!

He did not expect that Stuart is still alive now!

Even more unexpectedly, Stuart was in Charlie’s hands!

“This game is over… this game is completely over… Stuart is the old man’s personal bodyguard. He came to kill Liona, and he was ordered by the old man. He must know that the old man did not order Zhiyu’s life’…when he comes, am I going to show my stuff?!”

Originally, Shoude was frozen into a dead dog by a basin of cold water, but now, he was nervous and began to sweat.

He looked at Charlie in a panic, and said falteringly: “Charlie…you can’t believe that Stuart! That guy always runs the train with his mouth full, and there is no truth!”

Charlie smiled slightly, “When he comes later, you two can confront each other on the spot.”

Shoude was nervous to the extreme, wondering if Stuart was here for a while, and Charlie would see through his tricks.

Soon, Stuart, handcuffed, was brought over by Orvel’s younger brother.

When Stuart saw Charlie just now, he knelt down and begged for mercy for the first time. Seeing Charlie again at this time, he was about to kneel down and beg for a few more words, but saw that there were actually two naked people in the room. The young man, after a closer look, he discovered that one of them was the second son of the Su family, Shoude!

At this time, Stuart was struck by lightning.

He never dreamed that he would see the second son of the Su family here!

At the same time, he was more frightened and jealous of Charlie in his heart.

Because he really didn’t expect Charlie to be so rigid, even the second son of the Su family would not be spared!

Seeing Stuart’s frightened legs trembled, Charlie looked at him, pointed at Shoude and asked coldly, “Stuart, do you know this person?”

Stuart nodded hurriedly, and said respectfully, “Master Shoude, I know him…he is the second son of the Su family, Shoude…”

Shoude stared at Stuart nervously at this time, and reminded: “Stuart, in front of Mr. Charlie, you have to pay attention to what you say! No matter what you say, you must be responsible!”

Charlie frowned and asked Shoude, “Did I let you talk?”

After finishing speaking, he pointed to Shoude and ordered Orvel: “Orvel, give a hand!”

Chapter 2491

“OK Master!”

Orvel replied and immediately walked forward, grabbing Shoude’s hair, and slapped his hand hard, drawing Shoude’s eyes at the gold star.

Shoude grew up so big that for the first time he was directly slapped in the face by an outsider. He was furious, but he was so angry that he didn’t dare to go out, so he could only endure it.

Charlie glared at Shoude at this time and said coldly: “When I didn’t let you speak, you couldn’t say a word.”

Shoude could only cover his face and nod his head repeatedly, not daring to say a word.

Charlie looked at Stuart and asked him, “I ask you, when Chengfeng Su gave you the order, did he let you kill Liona, or let you kill her with Zhiyu?”

Stuart blurted out, “Master, Chengfeng asked me to kill Liona.”

Charlie asked again: “Then did he feel dissatisfied with Zhiyu, thinking that she turned her elbow out?”

“No!” Stuart said without hesitation: “Chengfeng loves Zhiyu very much, and he often sighs with us, saying that among the Su family’s generation, the smartest and most capable is actually Zhiyu!”

Shoude’s face was already pale.

Charlie glanced at him, then asked Stuart, “According to you, in other words, it is impossible for Chengfeng to kill Zhiyu together, right?”

Stuart said solemnly: “Yes! Master Wade, although Chengfeng is sinister and vicious, he really loves Zhiyu from the heart. He can’t kill her.”

After speaking, Stuart sighed and said, “You tell me, in the tunnel, when I found that Zhiyu was also on Shred’s chariot, I was almost scared to death because I knew in my heart, If Chengfeng knew that Zhiyu was dead, he would definitely condemn me…”

Charlie nodded and asked him, “That’s why you killed Shred with a single shot?”

Stuart said truthfully: “I killed…At that time, I wanted to ask Shred who instructed him to harm Zhiyu, but he not only did not say, but insulted me. I was impulsive. The gun killed him…”

At this time, Shoude on the side was almost frightened.

Charlie looked at him and asked coldly, “Shoude, you keep saying that you want to kill Zhiyu, but now it sounds like that’s not the case!”

Shoude hurriedly explained: “This…this…this me…I am actually not very clear…maybe…maybe mistaken……”

“Wrong?” Charlie sneered: “Shoude, if you don’t have any ghosts in your heart, you can’t deliberately dump Zhiyu’s pot on your father, let’s talk about it, did you plan it behind the scenes?”

Shoude seemed to have been stepped on his tail, and blurted out: “No… it has nothing to do with me…”

Charlie nodded: “If you don’t tell the truth, it’s easy to handle, Mr. Issac!”

Issac immediately took a step forward: “Master, what are your orders?”

Charlie said calmly, “I asked you to find an African hyena which likes to dig an@l. Is there a way out?”

“Yes!” Issac hurriedly said: “The City Wildlife Park introduced a group of African hyenas some time ago. The owner of the safari park has a good relationship with me and is also a senior member of my hotel. I can contact him and borrow this group of African hyenas!”

“Okay!” Charlie nodded, looked at Shoude, and said lightly: “Since you want to resist, then go and discuss life with the African hyena!”

As soon as Shoude heard this, his whole body was immediately shocked!

He didn’t doubt Charlie’s determination at all, this guy was not only amazing in strength, amazing in methods, but also amazing in courage!

If it really annoys him, I am afraid that it will definitely not end well…

Chapter 2492

The frightened Shoude hurriedly blurted out: “I say, I say all…”

Charlie nodded and turned on the recording function of the mobile phone video.

When Shoude saw that he was going to record the video, he said in a panic: “Wade…Mr. Wade, what do you want to know, I will be honest, but can you please stop recording the video…”

Charlie asked him back: “What? Do you dare to do it and still dare not recognize it?”

Shoude vaguely said, “No…no, I just…I just…but I’m not used to it…”

Charlie glanced at him in disgust, and said coldly, “Hammers, nonsense, Orvel, clap your mouth again!”

Without saying anything, Orvel rushed up and kicked Shoude’s fat belly, kicked him to the ground, and then stepped directly on his chest, bent over, and slapped him twice.

Shoude was pumped, and the tears of grievance fluttered in his eyes.

He had never suffered such a crime in his life, so naturally he felt 10,000 aggrieved.

But he also knew that there was no point in being aggrieved right now.

If you don’t cooperate honestly, Charlie is afraid that he will let Orvel take off his arms and legs.

At this moment, Ruoli, who had not spoken all the time, left her mouth and said, “Master, it is too cheap to slap him against this kind of bastard. As long as you order me, I will cut off his arms and see if he dares. He dare not sloppy with you!”

Shoude’s liver trembled in fright, and he blurted out, “No! Don’t! I will speak, I will say it!

Charlie said coldly: “If you don’t get to the point anymore, I will hand you over to Ruoli.”

Shoude couldn’t help shivering, and said tremblingly: “Mr. Wade, it was indeed I who let Shred kill Zhiyu. I asked my subordinates to give his family 20 million, and then let his family notify him to kill Liona. At the time, bring Zhiyu alongside…”

Charlie asked, “Why did you want to kill Zhiyu? She is your niece, so she didn’t provoke you, right?”

Shoude hurriedly said, “I…I want to avoid future troubles…because the old man is very dissatisfied with my elder brother and very dissatisfied with Zhifei. If we kill Zhiyu, The future Patriarch of the Su family must be me…”

Charlie nodded and asked, “Who was it that decided to betray Ruoli?”

Shoude said without hesitation: “It was my dad’s idea…”

Charlie asked back: “So, your elder brother Zynn was actually used by Chengfeng as a scapegoat?”

“Yes…” Shoude said frankly, “If the betrayal of Ruoli just broke out, people all over the country are scolding the old man. The old man feels that his fame in his entire life cannot be smashed because of Ruoli in his old age. , So he gave it all to my elder brother, and drove him to Australia…”

Charlie nodded, ended the video recording, and said lightly: “If you cooperated earlier, you won’t have to take the slap these a few times, so next time you stay alert and don’t make the same mistake again.”

Shoude was bitter and couldn’t tell, his expression was uglier than his dead father, and asked with a sad face, “Mr. Wade… are you planning to send out all the videos just now?”

Regarding the current situation of the Su family, Shoude couldn’t be more clear.

Originally today, the kidnapping of Liona and Zhiyu was questioned by netizens across the country.

It’s hard to find a lot of PR soldiers to come out to act as the victims, and forcibly subverting everyone’s cognition. If all the things he just said are exposed, then the Su family will be over.

Not only will the Su family be over, but they will also become the sinners of the Su family.

The old man is afraid that he can’t wait to take his own skin…

Chapter 2493

At this moment, Charlie looked at Shoude who was flustered, smiled slightly, and said: “The video just now was shot in three episodes.”

“The first paragraph is your confession. It was Chengfeng who wanted to kill Liona. At the same time, he gave Chengfeng the pot, saying that he also wanted to kill Zhiyu;”

“In the second paragraph, you confessed in person, but you actually hired Shred to kill Zhiyu;”

“The third paragraph is your confession. In Japan, it was Chengfeng who secretly betrayed Ruoli and then gave it to your elder brother Zynn…”

Having said that, Charlie smacked his lips and continued: “Tsk…but, the first paragraph and the second paragraph are somewhat contradictory in themselves, so if I want to send out, I can only choose between the two. One……”

After speaking, Charlie looked at him with interest and asked, “Shoude, what do you think I will send out?”

Shoude shook his head, he couldn’t figure out Charlie’s preferences, he didn’t know what Charlie wanted to do.

In fact, the first and second paragraphs, no matter which one is sent out, you will have bad luck.

Seeing that he was not talking, Charlie smiled and said, “To tell you the truth, I plan to send out the first and third paragraphs, because these two paragraphs put the three of Liona, Zhiyu, and Ruoli. Everything falls on Chengfeng alone. This should be enough for the old dog to drink a pot!

“I am a person who prefers to concentrate firepower to fight tough battles, so we must first gather all the firepower and knock down the old dog Chengfeng!”

After speaking, Charlie smiled, changed the conversation, and continued: “As for the second video…I plan to keep it first and send it to your elder brother Zynn in the future.”

Shoude asked dumbfounded: “Why… why would you send it to my big brother…”

Charlie smiled and said, “If I send the first and third videos to your elder brother, your elder brother knows that Chengfeng wants to kill his two daughters and also wants to kill his wife. Do you think he will fight Chengfeng desperately? “

Shoude said in embarrassment, “This…My elder brother is afraid that he has this heart, and doesn’t have this ability…”

“It doesn’t matter.” Charlie said with a smile: “Whether Zynn has the ability to put aside first, as long as they can completely turn their father and son back, it is enough for me.”

Shoude couldn’t help fighting a cold war.

“I really can’t figure out why this young man in his 20s is so black?”

“If he really sends out the video, the eldest brother and the old man are going to forge a feud…”

“The point is, I shake everything out of the old man’s affairs, and also throw Zhiyu’s pot to the old man, the old man will hate me to the bone!”

At this time, Charlie said again: “When the first and third video messages are sent out, Zynn must want to kill Chengfeng in his dreams, and Chengfeng probably wanted to kill you in his dreams! Then, you will beg me Take you in and save your dog’s life, otherwise, if you just go out, you will be killed by Chengfeng. Even if he doesn’t kill you, it will make you worse off.”

Shoude was even more frightened.

“Charlie is right.”

“If these two videos are sent out, the old man will definitely strip me alive…”

“This is not an exaggerated sentence, it is a standard declarative sentence!”

“At that time, I’m afraid I really have to beg Charlie to take me in. Otherwise, as long as he let me go out, even if the old man knew that I was threatened by him, he would definitely not forgive me…”

Chapter 2494

Charlie continued at this time: “As for the second video just now, that is, the video where you confessed that you wanted to kill Zhiyu, I will send it to him when your elder brother kills Chengfeng and becomes the head of the Su family. “

“In case Zynn has a chance to comeback, then even if Chengfeng is killed, you will not be able to breathe a sigh of relief, because once your elder brother finds out that you wanted to kill his daughter, he will find a way to find you. Kill you at all costs.”

“Look, how is my closed-loop designed? Whether your dad wins or your brother wins, your end will be dead.”

Hearing this, Shoude’s tears were already welling up.

He got it.

He really understood this time!

“What Charlie has to do is to keep my father and eldest brother in a state of being hostile to each other all the time, and even kill each other quickly…”

“These videos are in his hands, I am dead anyway!”

“The game between the old man and the big brother, if the old man wins, I have to die; if the big brother wins, I still have to die!”

“Charlie…you…your poisonous heart!”

Seeing Shoude’s tears, Charlie sneered, and said, “So if you want me to say, you just stay here honestly. I asked Orvel to prepare a single room for you, which is definitely the best treatment here. If you are still here, I can save your dog’s life, but if you want to escape, it doesn’t matter. At that time, either your father wants to kill you, or your elder brother wants to kill you. You weigh yourself.”

Shoude suddenly cried: “Mr. Wade… please give me a way to survive… or let us work together, you help me solve my father and my elder brother, I inherit the Su family property After that, all the assets of the Su family will be divided and you will get 30%!”

After that, Shoude hurriedly said again: “Mr. Wade, if you are willing to cooperate with me, I can cooperate with you immediately. First go back to kill my father, and then go to Australia to solve my eldest brother!”

Hearing this, Orvel immediately cursed: “Fuk! Shoude, you fuKing want to fart? Do you want to fool Master Wade and let him help you up? You f*cking deserve it too?!”

Ruoli on the side heard that Shoude wanted to provoke Charlie to kill her father, and hurriedly blurted out: “Master, you can’t listen to him slanderously! This kind of person has no credibility at all!”

Charlie smiled slightly and said, “Shoude, even if you kill your father and your elder brother, I won’t let you inherit the Su family.”

Speaking of this, Charlie’s expression suddenly became very cold, and he sternly said: “I will continue to work hard and flatten the entire Su family!”

Shoude was frightened by Charlie’s eyes.

Because Charlie’s eyes were full of killing intent!

At this moment, Charlie turned around, looked at Ruoli, and said lightly: “Ruoli, I know you care about Zynn. After all, he is your father, I can understand, but I can tell you clearly now if Zynn really has something to do with the death of my parents. I will kill him myself. If you dare to stop me then I will kill you too.”

Ruoli’s body trembled immediately, and quickly lowered her head, and said respectfully: “Master, Ruoli’s life is yours. Ruoli dare not stop you from doing anything. If my father is really your enemy, you want to avenge your father. If you leave, I will not stop it…”

Speaking of this, Ruoli knelt on the ground with a puff, and sobbed and pleaded: “Young Master Wade, Ruoli has only one request! If my father has nothing to do with the death of your parents, please raise your hand and spare him. Life……”

Charlie said blankly, “Don’t worry, I only kill the sc*m of earth. If your father and my parents’ death has no direct relationship, I will naturally spare him.”

Immediately afterwards, Charlie turned around and said coldly: “However! In any case, Zynn will have to pay the price for the formation of the “Anti-Wade Alliance”! Even if the death penalty is unavoidable, the living sin is still inevitable!”

Chapter 2495

As the daughter of Zynn, Ruoli’s heart is naturally thicker than water.

However, she couldn’t help but murmured in her heart: “I owe Master Wade my life, and Master Wade gave me a great opportunity to grow my martial arts strength rapidly. I will be obedient to him in order to repay his kindness.”

“If the father really bears the unshirkable responsibility for the death of Master Wade’s parents, then if Master Wade wants to seek revenge from him, I will naturally have nothing to say…”

“So, I can only hope that the death of and Master’s parents and my father is not directly related…”

“Fortunately, Young Master Wade is very upright and fair. Since he has said that as long as my father is not his father-killing enemy, he can spare his life. The rest depends on father’s affairs. Come on, are you innocent?”

Thinking about this, she reverently said to Charlie: “Young Master Wade, you have my words, you can rest assured!”

Charlie nodded slightly and said to Orvel: “Okay, take this Shoude in, go to the private room prepared for him, and take this Steve by the way to meet his son.”

When Steve heard that Charlie wanted him to meet his son, he immediately asked, “Where is Walt now?!”

Charlie smiled and said, “Your precious son, he is lying in the special room I prepared for him now.”

Steve blurted out, “Lying down? Is he sick?!”

Charlie said indifferently, “Since your son’s character is really that of sc*mbag, so I invited him to come here and make a good bed restoring. As for why he is in bed, you will meet him later, let him personally tell you the details.”

After speaking, Charlie stood up and told everyone around him: “Pick them up and take away!”

Orvel and Issac went up in person, each of them picked up one, dragged the two of them and walked out.

With the back of Charlie’s hand behind him, he stepped forward to follow.

When they came to the kennel area again, Shoude and Steve trembled in shock when they saw the sight of an iron cage.

When they were dragged to continue walking, they found that there were many ferocious fighting dogs in the iron cages on both sides.

What made them even more stunned was that there were several iron cages inside, not dogs, but people!

Steve saw his son soon!

His son Walter, who was lying on a hospital bed at this time, looked very weak.

There was a young man with a yellow panel standing beside Walter. This man was holding a bowl of porridge and stuffed Walter’s mouth with a spoon roughly.

This young man is Kobayashi Jiro who works as a contractor at the kennel.

Steve immediately struggled and shouted: “Walter! my son?!”

Chapter 2496

Walter was also struggling to get up, but because of his weakness, he tried several times without success.

So he could only lie on the bed helplessly, crying, and said in: “Dad…I…I was poisoned, and now I have uremia… …”

After that, he could no longer control his emotions, and cried loudly: “Dad! You must save me, Dad! This ghost place is like hell… If you don’t want to save me anymore If I don’t go out, I might die here.”

Charlie smiled and said, “Walter, it’s impossible for your father to save you, but the good news is that I plan to leave your father here to take care of you, and you and father will live in a single room in the future.”

After speaking, Charlie said to Kobayashi Jiro again: “Jiro, you won’t have to feed this Walter anymore, just feed your dog.”

As soon as Kobayashi Jiro heard this, he was overjoyed and blurted out, “That’s great Young Master Wade! You don’t know, besides feeding this Walter every day, I also give him sh*t and urine, which is much more disgusting than serving a dog .”

Charlie smiled slightly: “In the future, let his father do this thing. You already spend much time in the past few days. Let Orvel give you a day off. As long as you don’t leave the kennel, you can do whatever you want.”

Kobayashi Jiro bowed in excitement, “Thank you, Master Wade! Thank you, Master Wade! If I can take a day off, I…I want to sleep well, then…and drink again. Two bottles of beer…”

After speaking, he looked at Charlie and asked nervously, “Master, I… can I drink two bottles of beer?”

Charlie smiled, waved his hand, and said to Orvel, “Orvel, let someone prepare a case of beer for Jiro tomorrow, let him relax!”

Orvel immediately said, “OK Master, leave it to me!”

When Kobayashi Jiro heard that he could have a box of beer, tears of excitement rolled in his eyes, and he choked up: “Master, thank you…I…I haven’t had beer in a long time. …..”

Charlie smiled and said, “As long as you behave well, let alone beer, even white wine, red wine, or even your Japanese sake can be arranged for you.”

Kobayashi Jiro exclaimed with excitement, “Master, I will continue to work hard and go all out!”

Charlie nodded, waved his hand and said, “Jiro, you go and rest first, I don’t need you here.”

Kobayashi Jiro hurriedly said, “OK, Lord Wade, then Jiro will leave first!”

Orvel winked at his subordinates when he arrived, and immediately one of his subordinates came forward and left with Jiro Kobayashi.

Charlie asked Orvel at this time: “Where is the welcome ceremony I asked you to prepare? It’s been a long time since everyone has arrived, don’t you hurry up?”

Orvel nodded quickly and said, “This is the beginning, this is the beginning!”

After speaking, he hurriedly shouted at the people around him: “Quick, get the props!”

As soon as the voice fell, several of his men immediately took out a large red carpet from the empty dog ​​cage beside them, and a few people laid the red carpet from the hallway of the kennel in an orderly manner and spread it all the way into Walter’s single dog. The cage was spread directly on the side of Walter’s bed.

Another person directly brought Orvel a red suit jacket. Orvel immediately became the emcee of the scene and said with a serious and emotional expression: “Today, it is Mr. Steve Hogwitz’s great day of reunion with his dog son Walter, father and son, on this good day of universal celebration, let us witness the historical moment of the father and son reunion!”

After finishing talking, a little brother hurriedly held a bunch of flowers, stuffed it into Steve’s arms, and threatened in a low voice: “Hold tight, if you dare to drop a flower, I will discount your legs!”

Chapter 2497

Steve naturally didn’t dare to be negligent, so he could only hug the flowers tightly in his arms.

At this time, Orvel pointed to the entrance of the dog cage and said to Steve: “Next, Mr. Steve, please send flowers to your dog son Walter! Everyone applaud!”

His little brothers immediately clapped enthusiastically.

Steve’s expression was extremely ugly, but he dared not say a word of dissatisfaction.

Seeing that he was still chirping, Orvel couldn’t help but cursed, “What are you rubbing against? Do you want me to give you another bed next to your son’s?”

Steve shivered with fright, and then he hurriedly hugged the flowers and walked into the entrance of the iron cage with difficulty.

Steve, who only wore a pair of pants, was already frozen like a popsicle at this moment, so he walked up like a zombie with limited mobility.

When he stepped onto the red carpet and staggered to Walter’s bed, Orvel immediately stepped forward and said, “Next, please Mr. Steve give flowers to dog son Walter!”

After that, he explained to Steve: “Don’t let go of your hand when presenting flowers later. You two should hold the flowers at the same time, face our brother with the camera and let them take a photo of you two. How can you not record such a ritual scene?”

Steve has the heart to die. His son is lying on the bed like this. He doesn’t know what’s wrong with him, but now he can only play with him at the request of Orvel, which is extremely insulting. game……

At this time, Walter was in a painful mess in his heart.

If he had known that things would develop into a ghost-like today, and would kill him, he would not dare to think anything about Doris.

But now it is too late to say anything.

Steve had no choice but to hand the flowers to his son, while his hand was still holding the other side of the flowers.

The father and son looked at the camera together.

Several younger brothers held hand-drawn fireworks, crackling and snapping, colorful sequins fell one after another, and the father and son were covered from heads to bodies.

At this time, with a flash, a photo full of black humor was taken.

Orvel said loudly at this time: “The welcome ceremony of Mr. Steve and his son’s reunion is coming to an end here, everyone applaud!”

All the younger brothers applauded, and Orvel smiled and asked Charlie, “Master, are you satisfied?”

Charlie nodded and smiled: “It’s a good job, it’s interesting.”

Orvel hurriedly clasped his fists and said respectfully, “Thank you for the praise, Master. If there is another time, I will do it more grandly!”

Charlie looked at Shoude, who was frightened and silly, and asked, “Mr. Su, do you think we are very particular about our hospitality?”

Shoude paled with fright, and wailed in his heart: “This is what the fuk is called dainty? You fuking call it dainty? You’re a devil!”

However, he didn’t dare to say that, he could only follow Charlie’s meaning and nodded again and again: “Impressive…Impressive…Master Wade is really particular about doing things!”

Charlie snorted and said, “If your son is in my hands another day, I will definitely perform such a ceremony for both of you. It will definitely be more solemn than this.”

Shoude said in horror, “Wade… Master Wade, my son is an honest child…”

Charlie said coldly: “Just attack you, your daddy who is so bad and his son is not much better!”

Shoude suddenly looked ashamed and did not dare to speak any more.

Chapter 2498

Charlie ignored him, looked at Steve, and said, “Steve, do you know why I caught your son here?”

Steve blinked red and shook his head.

Charlie looked at Walter and said coldly: “Come on, Walter, tell your father about your glorious history.”

“I…” Walter suddenly didn’t know what to do.

Charlie said coldly: “Hurry up!”

Seeing Charlie’s anger, Walter shuddered at once, and hurriedly said, “I speak, I’ll just say…”

Immediately, he looked at Steve and choked up: “Dad, it’s all my fault, it’s my fault…”

As he said, he coveted Doris’s beauty, and at the same time, he peeped into the Aurous Hill industry of the Emgrand Group, in order to achieve the goal of killing two birds with one stone, the whole process of poisoning Doris’s father.

After Steve heard this, his whole person was almost collapsed.

At this moment, he knew that his son, who was seemingly well-behaved and sensible with unlimited potential, turned out to be a s*um in his bones.

It was precisely because of his own son’s inferior behavior that ruined his own future and ruined himself by the way.

His heart was filled with resentment, and a slap was slapped on Walter’s face, and he roared: “You b@stard! You not only ruined yourself, you ruined me!”

Walter cried and said, “Dad…I’m sorry…I…I didn’t want things to develop like this…”

As he said, he looked at Charlie and choked up: “Mr. Wade, you have been wronged, and I have the debt. I will bear my own responsibility. Please let my father leave here and return to the United States.”

Charlie couldn’t help laughing: “Walter, do you really treat me as a three-year-old child? I will let your dad go back now. If he goes back to move the rescuer and come to rescue you, wouldn’t it cause me trouble?”

After that, Charlie said again: “Furthermore, I told you before, since you can drag Doris’s father into the water, then I can learn how to drag your father into the water, starting now, Your dad will stay here for ten years, he will take care of you and at the same time make atonement for you!”

Walter looked at Steve in tears, crying, and said, “Dad, I’m sorry…”

Steve also shed tears.

He really didn’t expect to come to China, and he would completely ruin his future and even the freedom of life.

Charlie pointed to the empty cage next door and said to Shoude: “Mr. Su, this is the single room you will live in in the future. If you feel lonely, the son next door can be your company. After a while, I’ll find an opportunity to bring your dad over, so that you two father and son can make a table of Mahjong.”

Shoude felt a chill in his heart when he heard this.

“Charlie forced me to record so many videos. If this were really exposed, the old man would definitely hate me. If he really brought the old man over, it would be so embarrassing to see the father and son in a cage. awkward……”

“Moreover, if Charlie really got the old man in, wouldn’t it be my eldest brother?!”

“At that time, my father and I will live in a dog cage here, and he will inherit the position of Su Family Patriarch outside. Then he will become a serf and sing and become the final winner?!”

Thinking of this, Shoude felt so uncomfortable.

Originally, he felt that if his eldest brother Zynn was forced away, he would become the heir of the Patriarch.

Seeing that he’s done, he didn’t expect to come to a small place like Aurous Hill to end up like this…

Just when his whole person was in great pain, Charlie suddenly remembered something and asked, “Hey, Mr. Su, when we first met in the hotel room, what did you say that you want to beat someone?”

Chapter 2499

Shoude didn’t expect that Charlie would be interested in matters of his private life.

He comes from a big family and pays great attention to his private life. So when Charlie asked about this, he was a little nervous subconsciously and he didn’t dare to respond.

Charlie couldn’t help frowning, and asked him: “Why? Don’t you want to say?”

Seeing Charlie’s dissatisfaction, Shoude hurriedly shook his head and said, “No, no, I am willing to say, I am willing to say…”

Immediately, he said five to ten: “That woman is… it’s Zeena…”

“Zeena?” Charlie asked in surprise, “Is that Zeena, who is known as the jade girl in film and television circles?”

“Yes…” Shoude nodded nervously, “It’s her…”

Charlie couldn’t help sighing: “Oh, I really didn’t expect that the icy and jade lady Zeena mentioned in the news media turned out to be your lover… My wife still recognizes her very much and keeps saying she is one of the benchmarks in the entertainment industry, saying that she is very clean and self-conscious, never gossip about trivial matters, and never even takes kiss scenes with other male stars? It seems that most of the people in this circle are unknown of the other side.”

Shoude nodded awkwardly and said falteringly: “She…she doesn’t kiss the scene because I don’t let her pick it up… I told her before that she must not be with others. Men’s intimate contact, even acting is not good…”

Charlie smacked his lips and said, “Tsk tsk…If the people of the whole country know that the goddess in their minds will be crushed by your ugly, old, and fat middle-aged fat pig at night. I don’t know. How sad.”

Shoude’s expression was very depressed, and his face was red and black. It was obvious that Charlie’s words hurt his self-esteem.

However, even if his self-esteem was hurt, he dared not say anything in front of Charlie, so he could only nod in embarrassment, and said, “Yes, yes, what Mr. Wade said…”

Charlie sneered and asked him, “Is this Zeena always in Aurous Hill, or did she come from another place to meet you?”

Shoude hurriedly said, “She came from another place…Actually, she was filming recently. My father suddenly asked me to come to Aurous Hill, so I asked her to come and accompany me…”

Charlie smiled and said, “Seeing that you are quite old, but I didn’t expect you to have a lot of energy.”

Shoude said embarrassingly, “No, no…it won’t work if you get older…”

Charlie smiled and said lightly: “Okay, it’s not too early, you can take a good rest here, you won’t have a bed warmer like Zeena’s female celebrities in the future, so you have to adapt to life in a kennel as soon as possible. , When the time is right, I will send your father over, so that you father and son will reunite.”

Shoude lowered his head deeply, not daring to answer.

Charlie looked at Steve next door and said lightly: “Take good care of your son here.”

Steve nodded again and again: “I know Mr. Wade…”

Charlie didn’t say much, and said to Issac, “Send me back.”

“OK, master!”

Orvel sent Charlie and Issac out of the kennel. While only Issac was there, he said to Charlie: “Master, aunt, it’s time tonight, do you think you should let her go?”

Charlie frowned: “It’s time?”

“Here.” Orvel said hurriedly, “This time aunt performed very well. There was no noise or trouble.”

“Yeah.” Charlie nodded and said: “Then let her go quickly, tell your little brother, open the door, she can go anytime she wants to leave.”

Orvel hurriedly said, “OK, master, I’ll make a call and make arrangements!”

Charlie patted him on the shoulder and exhorted: “The kennel is a big deal here, so you must show it to me. Don’t let anyone with unknown origins approach the kennel, and it must be guarded against any intrusions. The little brother may leak secrets to the outside world!”

Orvel said firmly: “Master, don’t worry, I have arranged all the kennels here. Everyone working here is my confidant, and during this time, I have asked them not to live 24 hours a day. If they leave the kennel, they are not allowed to have any contact with the outside world. All management is closed, and there will be no leaks.”

Chapter 2500

Charlie sighed and said, “The Su family’s energy is very strong. Although they didn’t have any industry and connections in Aurous Hill before, once they thought about it, they could immediately turn Aurous Hill upside down. Maybe the whole Aurous Hill would be turned over tomorrow. There may be at least dozens of helicopters flying back and forth in the sky, searching for clues. You have to pay attention.”

Orvel nodded and said seriously, “Master, don’t worry, I will go all out!”

“Okay.” Charlie said with a smile: “I can rest assured that you do things, so let’s go, I’ll go first.”


Leaving kennel, Charlie returned to the city in a Rolls Royce driven by Issac.

Because Shoude and Steve had just been brought to the kennel, the Su family must be looking for clues all over Aurous Hill, so Charlie didn’t take the helicopter back.

It is too late now. If the helicopter at night is not covered by fireworks, the movement must be very loud and it must be very noticeable.

Therefore, it is safer to take a car, at least not to give the Su family any clues.

On the way back, Issac drove while asking Charlie: “Master, when do you plan to send the video?”

Charlie said, “I’ll post it in the middle of the night! I’ll go back and edit the video, and then process my voice, and then I can send it out.”

Issac hurriedly asked: “Then are you going to post it on the short video platform?”

“Yes!” Charlie nodded and said, “The overall strength of the Su family is still very strong. If I post on other platforms, it is likely that they will be sent to the publicist immediately, but if I post on the family’s own On the short video platform, there is such a great opportunity to step on the Su family. The Wade family definitely can’t miss it. Therefore, they will definitely not delete the video.”

Issac smiled and said: “If you really post the video on the Wade family’s short video platform, not only will the family not delete it, but I am afraid that they will do everything possible to promote crazy…”

Charlie smiled and said, “That would be better.”


When Charlie returned home, Claire was still busy in the study.

Before Charlie left for Aurous Hill International Hotel, she had been busy with the company’s business, and now she came back, she has not finished her work.

He gently pushed open the door of the study room, Claire was adjusting the design manuscript in front of the computer.

Charlie looked at his wife’s back, feeling a little distressed in his heart.

“I knew that my wife would be so desperate for the cooperation of the Emgrand Group. Actually, it is better not to give her this project…”

“It’s just that I didn’t turn my head back when I opened the bow. My wife attaches so much importance to this cooperation. If I the director asked to stop the cooperation now, she will definitely be hit hard.”

Thinking of this, he lightly sighed and closed the door again without disturbing Claire.

Back in the room, Charlie put water for himself and soaked in the bathtub, while holding the mobile phone in his hand, using simple video editing software, he began to process some of the footage shot today.

The main material is two parts.

Part of it is in the tunnel, shooting the part of Stuart;

The other part was in the kennel, where Shoude was filmed.

These two parts not only clearly stated the fact that it was Elder Su who instructed to kill Liona, but also threw Zhiyu’s pot on his elder son’s head.

Charlie knew very well that as long as he sent out the edited video, the reputation of the Su family would be devastated!

Chengfeng will also become the most despised old dog by the people of the whole country!

The charismatic Charles Wade Chapter 2481-2500 - EthicLearner (2024)


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Author: Jerrold Considine

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Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

Address: Suite 447 3463 Marybelle Circles, New Marlin, AL 20765

Phone: +5816749283868

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Air sports, Sand art, Electronics, LARPing, Baseball, Book restoration, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.