The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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The Springfield Daily Republicani

Springfield, Massachusetts

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SPRINGIELD MASS WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 14 1864 BOOKS AUTHORS AND ART i 1 TUR NEWPORT SEASON GOING TO CALIORNIA 'if ii SEMME3 AND ms STORY the Alabama was sot probably 'r PRICE: OUR CENTS TWENTY CENTS A WEEK and bo ou th i the qeia is aiyrln THE CENTRAL DEPARTMENT VcLUKE 21 NUMBER 213 WHOLE NDMBEB 6267 wea ve cut four striking A ItESUME To and fro pass the promeuadcrs somo dowdy some not tuoay pretty women such as you Io Jit at an never went to speak beauty of colvr inj beauty of feature allied to an insipidity cf ex pression that bespuaka a vacant head lirtations are going oi libitum aud a few persistent dancers are stiiiggliug through a waltz the parlor Occasionally a and gentleman loom no and we gaze upon them with astonishment as the rarest speciaelo of the evening It yv are a uiun an Ocean House reception disgusts you witn women and it you are a woman you pour out the phials of your contempt on the men to whom it introduces you iirRiws Ju ENGLAND IN OUR OWN TIMES Tiiers is no nation whose history concerns us so Hindi as th at of England and no part of that history of greater practical importance to us than that of the present contnry And yet owing to its very proximity this important period tin Is no placg in the ablest works which embody the na tional annuals and only one candid and compre hensive history modern England has been offered to the public Tlife is Miss 11 tory of the Peace which with an intiodnc tory and concluding volume (the latter but jest completed) forms a continuous record of move ments and events from 1890 to 1354 An elegant library edition of this valuable work is about to be published in Boston in four compact volumes two of which will be ready in a few weeks The senes commends itself to all who would be thor oughly well informed either iu recent literature or public affairs The writer though a woman ha? a mind of masculine breadth and vigor and is deeply imbued with the love of freedom and the rights of labor Though not quite as old as the century she lias written ably and volumin ously for more than forty years and her ripe thoughts will find a fitting garb in their tasteful American dress MUSIC AND MUSICIANS The ctmui opera company with Mr Anschutz for musical and Mr Grover for financial conluc tr began a season at New York Monday night with aust The Academy was crowded almost beyond piocedoat and the performance was high eucccsuful as might be imagined with red eric! as Margliuerite and ilimuer as Mephisto phcles The Maretzek marvel is to be Mrs Van Zandt flit American lady who has established quite a reputation as a singer at tire Loudon eon rts and another debutante the hlgho class ot New York society will appear during the soivon Haydn' i Creation was iiunoiinced al Wood New Yo lust Sunday by a Ger in chorus but a ram storm and an edict irm the chief police revented the A first class concert with Miss Kellogg ami lajtu the tenor of troupe to sing and 11 Mils toplay will lyj given at Hartford ouTiict dav evening oi next wck Tte Beethoven society pf th city is flourishing and a uev musical associa tion has been i'jnn i at a i len Gt' and has Pe gau he rehearsal of the Creation under Bar nett of Ttc llofftitan Varitn evuevr? troupe has receive! tvU for tire seusvu in pie peru wf fiioin lSj tilfl beri find tai' most suceessiui composer ofbal ad ruusra this country A considerable bu iuess in pianc forto manufacturing is done in New Haven by the Panualeo piiuio forw conpuuy About H9U instruments are tune lout ederal Street the church ttuu through which Oliver out pnaeni state treasurer is uiort widely known in the musical world was his first attempt at composition Mr Oliver lias been tweuty rive years a classical teacher foiu years arUjutaut cneud of Massachusetts and four years suite treasurer besides making two million yaids of cioiii arid composing sixty good pieces of church music Ossian Dodge the vocalist is dodging about (irnfomii having just concluded (Hour in Oregon Ilu reht'iUoahi for the Birmingham musical fes tival are taking place chiefly in Ixmdon and include tnree new works Costa's oratorio of Naatnau Henry cantata Unde of and Arthur The band will comprise picked players on srugad lustrumeais and 81 instruments of wood unit and percussion The pimcipal vocalists aie Adelina Patti uud Leuuneu Sbcr rington soprani Saiutou DUby and Miss Palmer Contralti sim ifetvss Cum mugs and Moro tenon Santley and Weiss bossi Toe cuorus will muster S4 soprani 29 couttulii C8 ulu 87 tenori au 1 88 lnu6i total 3j(i winch witn the baud will ure nearly EDO ext cuuiuisad curefudy selected Oostn will ue the conductor co*cks the London mrnic pubiishe) have reused an oflei dl LOO ior the copy rig'it ot Brinley Rieh tu song bless the Priuec of Wares Ss much for royalty the composition is a poor tu Every quadrille bulad and polna pub lislred in Ingiuir during me iiu fifty years tas a a re iu uie musical horary of the BritiMi mu seum but in the great wurus of acknowledged iHftsrers the museum is ry deficient works of Walter Scott have been freely used us librettos for operatic Com oscrsSvottuuving inliis novels tiirnignod the plot? ol untani Duiiuadoi 1 a 0Qu ut Du waid Kenuwortn iTisoiui Ed in urAn and Li Dun Auttiropog lcjs is the pieac*nt mime ve ti a mivical ua VJCTOIRE IN COVERS Il is four years since Victeue appeared in colutnns as an original novel by a popular writer in other depai tmeuts of letters It was not long iu passing from our office to that of an enter prising New York publisher but before it hard passed through the press cur national troubles tad not only affected the book trade but tnodi fi tle tas res o' readers a novel with no war i i it was bar Uy appropriate to the times So the boik rem i 1 in i 8 ark uje itiag dove for ths subsidence of tl waters Its present a dvert is coeval with those bedding OJivj leaves which the sun of victory we trust ili develop an! mature It would oe lie toat t3mp any analysis of the pJot a sloiy so re cently before our readers or to indulge in qunt in those pa saga? which tempt us by their ear U'ttaess and bciuty as we turn its lb miliar pa res Our old time rub cribers need no uch reminders Vicloi'e was faichiully read and hits not been so gton forgotten To onr row riders wo would fsv that this is1 the first attempt at novel writing and bears marks at once the exuberance and the immaturity of youth Rich in tbougut fo vid in imagination oiteti lavis'i in its wealth of expression the work does note'aim to exhibit entire mastery of its tai fcrials in con traction and finish It ha? more Of promise than achievement more of fiowcru than fruit 'Hie luxuriant out growth of a tropi cal nature it is soon to be followed by more ma tore productions equally new to us till The poems of the writer have won hlch eulogies from sources not lavish of praise her letters have toon cacrly sought and widely read Victoire tlio first of her novels shows the same rich pow Cts in a broader field gives minute analysis of the emotional life has its grave lessons both for hiidiiuid and wife and is strougest in its central character which is wrought out with persistent CdJity of portraiture and purity of purpose BRIEER NOTICES A of soma pleasant American tales has published Centrola a fanciful ski'teh of a anti fal princess who is ilesciioed as nourishing amid one of those early civil ixatious which once spread over this continent passed southward and at length became extinct The scenes are located among the remarkable mounds in southern Min nesota and the date chosen is seven hundred years ago The story in ght have embodied much curious information it is however only a pass able novel in antique dress There is not in the English language any com plete history of rance The best work on this eibject in rench is by Henri Martin now in cuuise of translation by Mary Booth a woman of rare qualification fur that duty She has proved her powers by admirable trinsla lions of the works of Do Gasparin and other foreign statesmen and must not be confounded with Mary II Booth whose highest literary effort so fir as we know is llio production of a small volume of creditable verses The hittory on which she is now engaged will bj pttVished in Boston in eight putts of two volumes each each part King complete in itself The two volumes com prising the history of Louis XIV will appear the present autumn in a style to draw attention to the remainder of the series The Clifi Ciinibsrs is the title of one of Mayne adventurous tales a sequel to the and like that a narrative illustrative of plants and animals in the Himalaya Moun tains It is written for boys and while it will interest them by novelty incident and illustra tratiOD it cannot fail to leave in their minds a groat many curious facts concerning the re mote regions of which it treats A bark irom London brought 326 mi'C8'hf uew Atlantic cable to New York Saturday? It seems the of India still have the cu tom of obrerviiii' the Jngebrnaut sbturi a ia ard also cf throwing them elves under the en car to bo cru lied to ath as a Ct ting sacrifice the great Juggernaut The festive! this lasted from June 19 to July 6 and was as fui ever of disgmting Iioitois and cruelties They have a servant schvol near London where girls arc trained to household wok cook ing washing and need uwork They are all in structed in rein nig wrui'ig and arithmetic Ad mission is obtained partly by payment by frieoda and partly by the uoroinat ou of benevolent per sonr A similar school tor the training cf wives be a bad plan The British paper makers are having as hard time as oun? nru prosperous one Continental competition is killing them The rug exporting countries eh nge them an export duty on rfc4i and the English government puts on their man afacture? and thou lets the foreign papery made from rags without the export duy in treet So the manufacturers are bring ground between the upper and rether niill stones and see the benefits of free trade The heir apparent of Russia the future matter of realm of more thau seven millions of square miles an empire cornprit one seventh of the territo rial part of the globe and alxmt one twenlj part its entire surfare is in want of a wife and eauto find one Grand Duka Nicholas heir apparent cf idl the Kit sias 21 years old tall goo i broking in splendid uniform speaking five languages and with all the accom pli bments is willing to wed yot cannot gets wife 0 Iv five ca ididates li tvs present I theat re Ives and of these he doesn't like three of them and his father like the other two So there he is fellow and can't get a wife 1 And cold weather is coming Ln Idaho recently ns an emigrant train of sev en wagons with nine men two women amt three children who were on their way to the la: of gold wire makingproparaiious to camp fer the night a war parry of Indians came up and mkfd for something to eat While preparing the urea for the dusky friends ns rliuy suppose 1 them io be they gave a lead war whoop and commenced their rncxic of warfare horribly butchering the men and children sud carrying the women inw captivity Oueulouj escapal io tell the fate of his companions The murdered moij aid chil dren wore Left as they feb iltoir a pZ taken aud brains spattered aroun Gnu litce girl tweva ynuaof age was pienxsi through by sevou ae ro vs aud brmiel A party of soldier? err ia rormed of it aid alter the doaJ were liurajJ the mon with aai oath of veuwaee pursued wild painted heataetn to tuetr dens A bathi ensued in whica sums seventy In Ilans wsro kJQ ori and some tweiuy two squaws were capture and ta as hosta OM fur the wane women wJ bud boeu captured jtuh him itsiHrMf prmT ixv DIV1J IUUU2 kindly and sensibly written is thoroughly Eng lish in its style its nctois are from the middle clas es persons of ability and gooi breeding but who prove a little tiresome in detail until the praat sorrow comes that gives mournful interest to all Leonard Ward a generous but impulsive boy places himself in a false po itionfrom which he is only removed by a grave misfortune His miserly uncle ia whose service he has en tered is found deal under circttm tances wbiqh point to him as the murderer he is tried and convicted his sentence being commuted from death to penal servitude for life So far the plot does not differ essentially from most me deni nov els which are wont to Lave a plentiful seasoning of crime But the results are wrought out with gieat truth to nature and the effect upon Leon ard of the severe dtcipline through which he is topass is admirably portrayed Of coarse atter long uncertainty the troth comes out in a somewhat improbable way and the lending char acters enlarged by change and ennobled by sor iow are dramatically happy at last Who anti What Jiake El rom Our Special i orrespondent Newport Septembers 186L A RECEPTION AT THE OCEAN HOUSE If ever there was a concentrated world of scan dal backbiting display ignotnnee and vulgarity it is the Ocean House in the bight of the season and if ever there was an opportunity of gazing long and ihttcrruptedly at this elaborate exhi bition in till its varied phases it is ou Saturday evening when the rc ep'ion of the week takes pl ice Thea it is that everybody who is in town goes to see everybody rise It is the avenue with out equipa ges people are roil 'iced to extremities that is their own les and every one is his own out" At about nine clock the great cor ridor extending the entire width ct the hotel begins to babble over with babbling hu'iiunity the band plays vigorotuly and the stream of promena lers Sows up and down continuously Both si les of tho corridor are lined with chairs which mo oeeupi id by ncn combitnnts who go to sec lather than be seen and open batteries on fricnl and foe chargul with the grapo canis ter of pu igent criticism We being on ieiitia" dear liepublicau will seat ourselves ii the thickest of the struggle for it is indeed a struggle to pass and ropiws the northern end of Ute corridor into vroicli opens tho beaiuifnlly pro portioned parlor in toe form of a po ygou and in the vicinity of which is stationed thebichestie Though this particular spot may twerowded io excess men and wo eu persist in wedging them selves in aud out of it for tlio reason that it is crowded Humanity is very like a sus picion of a gathumig is the boll weather for a mass meeting A HUMAN MENAGERIE A collection of people is always interesting As we go to Vim moral" me uagerie and gxze upon live animals so wo go ton Ocean House reception iu toe expeptatimi Of reviewing an equally curious collection of ani ma's which if not always wild are vciy rare spee'm (let us bop of tho genus Lotno If itre animals there usremulod were all of a uomcs turn and teusible to vinue Mrs Grundy would havo no opportunity to wag tier evei wr' giug tougue uui this amiable letter would not ba written It is a blessed thing lor correspondents that fwU M'e H25 fill otherwise dOeupaiiou Would be gone THE MEN Well the men as you sw are for the most part apologists fur tiieir tex and very hard ones Camp ire lively old raen dyed up to the roots of their hair aud padded in and out where time has made excavations play youth with not the grn of D'Or ay One Wail'd naturally suppose that such ancient git'lams would be severely snubbed by the pretty girls around whom they buzz and bum bat scarce have men awing to the and so desperate are girls for beaux that they gladly accept anything in the guise of pantaloons and beavers sixteen" fou ttows its most winning smiles on forty a id aud promenades with its urandfather rather sit still and ba without mule escort It is pcr Tnisbe but not tor ladies to prutuoaa together Such an exposition leads the inquiring public who are deeply engaged iu minding your business to the conclusion that Mi ladies are without cava ter a frightful stigma from which lew can recover So th aim of the Occauules is to Lave uot as manv strings their bow ut ft? any beaux to their string a possible Those lung iieaded nymphs eduened oy longer headed mammas lie in wait for their piev and pounce upon them unawares invite them to their parlors as tire spider did the fly and make mim meat of them after Mrs Goveii reeije Seientitic an 1 poetic anglers like Iza Walton ignore all fishing that is not ft id so one would think it ought to bs with female angling but so it is not 1 Tho beau tiful trout and nubie bass (metaphorical) oein betero Richmond those tireuical fisher ofnvn are uow contented when even pouvs and min nows deign to bite Thu maxim there is tu good fish iu the sea us ever wore does not hud good iu these days There is a deal of the aristocracy is composed of ii but to culiivatea taste this fili is uusavory even when suited let the men are generally of aa age that frees them iron the terrueof thedriut tin no nut AtoHate but they have 1x to tiny amouiii and therefore are good The prevailing you ig men are ua ly fashioiabics of a fast order either heis in elves or in search of hiles as puis widiontioriuuosiuviiotsoughcHiter iu New port neither tue clecr men ga balui'iw vr Lilia to the iw of either that are seen hers come for di fiureut purpose than th it by wxicb the generality uro attracted Radiy of New BooRr Dramatis or by Robert rrovn tng pp 2j2 iosten licliuur rheids: sprim Uelc owers Hie liil'Cli nbers a Sequel to the Hunt er by Capt Mayne Reid pp 3 4 Boston io hield spriugield itridguiuii Wliitaey Vicioic a Novel ij Rri New Y'ork earkton puolsot Hed hewers Hurt rune ol the i and the Sumter two yoluuios in one pp 828 New Yok ('a letou pub lisher Spriugiieid Jlowes eat and oilier 1'ale by the author of "Mary Nh York Carleton pubiiaar pimgihld Powers due Moose mutar or Life in the Maine Woods by John Neat author of "The th arcoal we pp it5 Yuik Rendle Co 1 eTriil More Links in the Daisy Clinin by the ftiilh of tie of Two vuaiues iu one pp ESS New Y'oik oppletcu to'pniigiield Bi'idgmm Widtney Memoir of Mrs Caroline Keiiu edited by Wil iiitnt leunoy pp 3il' New York aipleion Go spriagti ld uridgiuxi Watney ErB asp magaknefi September New York Stea ns i tie classification of tle Sinners by lleihrt Spencer New York Appleton Co Hie Kalectic Medical loumal of I'enusylvania 1 bitwlei hia Jj liuehau in lheiiunio September Liston II I'earsou ti Co 'jii nmpulse via me set a tliinj ou the move meh siurte 1 once ran real! by itself ItTfiri0 wu siphon toss the kite tikes the wmd aud fijats of its own force Ama lot truth tump rot stagnant for tne lack a tmuly bu'pful lie to leiv it! at a ebjiK gg bjio ttb the eliiekiug hen 'l lay a rwl otlC) laudably deceived tor weeks to comt toll rar li? uu sueu troth follow marvels none of tuine: Wfld nnt rhiHitinif i Item uxem on the I'arisiau practice of 1 Jourit with gray hairs I rti 1 not The truth is youth oltl iiiid kth)w cuo much Ta VOiiril! lAiid TI IT 1 A1 uiiit un i u'UVUi 1 JiUrt bluoxl where wheels grate dry! la'Joi Ezra is plea for old age one of toe bus the iauI C0liinitig some wges hich hope to quote MISCELLANEOUS MATTERS Among the many interesting books by Hnrd and Houghton of New York are a vol iie of Lfe and Litters of Divid 0 it Scud der a prominent American missionary whose history is edited by his and a second novel of Bayard known as God ortunes' and pronounced by those who have peeped into it far superior to Tne pubiieatioa cf a new literary magazine is to be commenced by Carleton this winter to bo Heart of the William Iletidersou an essay in tho Conti nental Monthly upon the cf Man" propounds theory which for its' novelty at least is worth a sdionl thought He suggest int the creation as roaordd in tho first chapter of Genesis may refer to a pre Adamite man little if at all above the brutes in intelligence and forming a link between apes and the race of Alam lire remains of this extinct species are he conjeetures tae iossil bonos which are new puzzling (he ravam as seeming to make man Csteuip*rnry with races long since swept from the earth and mon of letters should give a cor dial Ro cotne to Geldwin Smith We scldoTt re are a visit irotn an Oxford professor never before where hio writings have proceeded him showing Bach adery Cumpretiension of our puitioa aud meh thorough sympathy with all that is best iu ut Professor ability boldness and can dor have called out the displeasure of the Lon don Times lot them praveequai passports to our respectful recognition Harriet Hosmer has been vilified by a Loudon journal called the The spirited Watct town artat commenced a suit for libel but was induce 1 to withdraw it on condition that the should pay all costs and cause tm apol ogy written by bur lawyer to be published not only tn the offending columns but in Galignani and the Times Good fur Harriet She has late ly returned from Europe to America The largest single payment ever made an au thor was the chcoe lor £20009 paid by tho Long mans to Macaulay for the third and fourth vol umes of his history Queen Victoria is a pail writer she receive 1 a thousand pounds from Murray for her aid in preparing the collection of Pnnco sp eches aud gave half of it to wards an iufirmury ior tho rural population 1 B4lsh writers say that the boeclt tree was CAPTAIN The Cruise of edited by ipt Semmes but is largely compiled from hi? journals and private papers Indeed many of the moral reflections sound exceedingly like afterthoughts interpolated for the very pur pose of producing effect in a book Tho portrait which fronts the title page is probably a likeness It ought to be It shows some enerey find executive power great self sufficiency and entire obtuseness of moral perception The face IS ia harmony with the history of the man A Marylander by bit th and in the United States naval service for moi than half his life he de liberately threw off this double allegiance and after buying arm? puwder and machinery at the North left Washington on the day cf inauguration iatrasting his wife and daughters to the hospitality cf the nation he had already betrayed and was about to do bis utmost to de stroy He has never soaa his family since Offer ing hs services to the confederates he yas first pat in command of the pirate Sumter which Captured eigli teen vessels in a cruise of six months When that vessel was disabled he left it for the Alabama built by a member of the British par liament manned by Kitsercaiits from the dregs of Liverpooi and set afloat by a series of transpar ent trickeries at which the world has blushed By a lib md use of that discretion which is tire better part of valor tlie Ahtbama plundered the weak and avoided the strong for nearly three years capturing sixty three vessels and destroy ing property worth nearly five millions of dollais 'ever but once before his cagogeureut with the Kearsarge had ho encountered iuy thing like an equal and at the close of an action Lis slap went down The cause of this speedy defeat is lightly given bv tire London say that tire Alabama was overmatched by the Ivavsaigo in any way ex rep in skill character and is mere noiisunsc She was beaten oy better men" The reviewer goes on to say that tire victorious crew were Eng and Americans" which is ludiu oasly cor rect The iiiustcr 1 oil cf the Kearsarge iicvred 193 natives of the United States two Englishmen aud nine foreigners from other states Tho book is a record of safe plunder of the helpless about as inspiring as the diary of a man who batchers sheep but its pages betray tle fact that the cap tain is weary of the hardehip and privation iu cident to his course Tho Tsip Iife st fleet Correspondence uf The Republican Ki'eamer Costa Riga IVitlJn lieu miles uf i Sunday morning August 21 Our ship left the New York pieron Saturday the 13ih aaiid cheers and waving handkerchiefs and choking adicux Tire parimg of a ship from tho shore as she glides out with quiet trust into tire unknown is no tnilroad excursion from city to city but has a character of its own di dmet and peculiar Men feel that they are trusting themselves to an uncouti oliuble power and that more than ever they are committed to the keep ing of Providence The sensible hold on' this outward world somewhat loosened and the unseen powers claim their opportunity and ptiv ilcgc Yet here every grade of human sensibility displays itself from the noble courageous fare well of a thousand suppressed emotions tne woman who sucks a lemon I A fresh southerly breeze relieved the fu ry Lent of the city and won us for an hour to comfort aid coolaess But the long slow and Laugaishing sea soon reduced us to a general average in which all human things arehcl 1 at Hie minimum of value or a day and two ni rhts I was sand wiched on tire niiddl nh between iny two youngsters above mid below where 1 cuuid reach either one with my bun 1 assuring them of iy protecting presence Guess if you ciui my paternal oomtort on being awoke Tues day morning by little singing ingBdiy" in nis nest above and leap ing out from below an 1 exclaiming "0 papa papa well Bat the sweet child's delight was dashed before noon and she lay all limp and helpless 'it a sinking overwhelming nsauon Little has turaod oat a right wter dor He eats drinks and Bicep and be takes it toe sea however grait in idea and mng n'iiesnt iu tioory is pr ictienlly contempteb aud mean Da kens says it bus no respect for groat mea an'! I Avioto it 1ms ao ie for little ones which is i double disgrace Here wu havo bad delight nil wert rev tor eight days and yet this ocean 1 el aud abtisijd nsYo the beginning And then too th sea begets in men who live upon it the sumo feeling which it displays toward lueru It lies no respect for diem and they have no respect tor thenuelvcs Tire government of a ship i one of the meanest displays of hunan nu tate It may be necessary as an net mJ fact in an ANGLO AMERICAN NOVEL Tnal is fl of English parentage Ha part of tho sceaei are laid in America ot recent dale recent that one of its Array kSaihoisIs Thu Military The follow par graphs are from a privaft le ter of a gentle in in the employ of the guv cn well in ormed oa the ma tors of which ho wites datci at Lauwvdie Ky September IVe Lave procured since March 1 137 locomo tive engine? cisuug troui sd90uu i stuoO loOO cais at an average cost of $975eadt for tioKdiruads that oupjdy Slienn army We nave never been able until now to keep up with tiedouunl Ve run iw C9J miles of read uud tate to Atlanta North western toad irotn Nashville 70 races 125 from Cliatt ujoga to Knoxvd'e rair baa ire miles we iiave id io stock and now are rip with tire army ii 'iiii j'P'5 it bean and had kccptht nd I ou uceS uot tear that a iuy will tail if you do hear a dozsu engines an I a hundred or two ears 1 eitroyed Wo have only lostp rrtaliv three and 85 cas sm 0 Iasi tall fbe re kIs de stroyed 7 ea'iujs and 81 cars at Adan ttreia tcres more than they have dc truyc I torhe rasty nr 1 told on we woifi 1 take Atlanta ia tima We Lave it as we wiil Mobile and every other rebelt orghold iu ti jj I grow utira' cm toi ared every day as 1 see the rebellion groa sain toe just got ready to ii go and to wire I tJirtir? Xliey lcoI it and should have it triv 1 4 aw a4U MUis 1U I and where he caa as thiv should ba If where Ira is now as well as iOj I 1 Ahi if Tie copperhead cannot gun tre I wf A fl till I 4 i 2'1 'll 11 hinir Inn ruj tuei I VIA ni a inaa tnac kteps coaipawy uiih Valiat'di Co I have jnt returned from li I'' Ohtn unH ri rt 17 WM fit tv wuu lancoln Indiana 19 huro for Murton and L'ncolnu I find no changes iro'n latt fall The vvm deuc crits stand firm and 6 roui'er than ever Ki'n tueky will go I think for Lit de Mac 1 hone Wie for shc beloiige to that party Ifear mom from New York and some of the New llu tand sttos than I do for tbo West R'scruitsaie going forward tYom the Noithwret very fast Very few wifi be drafted in tire North west In Kentucky there will uot be 2Wi) abto bodicd male slaves left by the 1st of October Slavery in okl Kentucky about up' Nearly 190 negroes pa ioJ my window tnis Be rn on for Hie camp where uvaijy 2090 ore i faw dn icd and got iea iy to go io tho front human relations but it nona the fess Rhnwa tendency to the lower laws in the hopeless un aspiring face of the bov that wops tta ffitk Winch marks a lot inevitable as doom the law of I the ship culminates and nil kicks aud insutto I come to a focus there 0 Goi how it butts ray I sce an 'tumlu creature abused! Our ship's company is made up of all sorts and stripes of humanity from ttiimbleriggere tofin ht tn matt and preachers There are fiot less thaw eight Baptist on board Among these is tho venerable Dr Deaaa missionary fn Rli whose benignant face is a good gospel itoywimZ It is reported that we have ou board also the Spanish general who captured our fiUibustat a ker At evening on deck the Bnpa ts sing Coronation play cards thsp itriotie glorify the count! and one fellow whistles with lannita hie beauty turaiugall the kinks and quiiks ot whistling haunony bird call bull frog trec toa and chief a dee The fellow himself seems mixed of all these bivd'o nest fr? aud apple treo All tigree in cursing Vanderbilt That man mart uc a most personage Anything or aiijbocta that gives vent to tho inevitable irrutn taugof nuinau kind is a public guol Lisa comfort to co iiii'Uii an 'rave somvihing to compLua of Grumbling is a relief lot a thou sand indefinable reelings not less thin a contin uance by iguciaiico keeps it? eotnalac ncy raid felfirespcct I unhappy soul hsve'uuihns I I complain yet if I evrap 1 to testify I should say that the uitiiirs of the siiip were ad mhueteied morn on the iieixssitics of the public ttam on any libera'ity of the company Tha biEjiuess is immopuly and tho class of people io travel have not influence enough to bteak it up Mr Vaudeibdt ones as other men do or rattier ire other men allow if other men did bet ter Ire would do better Ila is probaby vety mu like tlio re tot us about as good as publicreutiment IV hen Coleri lgo visited Cologne he said bn Cuud peiecive tliirty nin) uistnet smell aud ter But we have no such luxurious variety 1 ae eternal gi! oy and tiu evorlasting grevsa tliat sweats trout the laboring machiue ate our cnly change But to morrow' morning we shad fmell tire land the scrubby degenerate samples of nren figuring I here nut extensively are a spectaele to howl at THE WOMEN The women are infinitely superior War Las no way affected tiieir status hence during an evening promenade wc are entertained or at least astonished by the meeting of extremes in dashing women and lacqueys of tncn The as sembly is strongly tinctured with shoddy of course Shoddy has thousands at its command ttieretore tbe diossiug is retnarkabb It canuot coast ot much beauty but as we of the nineteenth century are fully aware that drera makes the woman there is an immense ucces de toilettes lou look a very little while at the face a very long while at the costume and as the tout rnxemoe is for many go in ball the women get the credit of ueing little Je3 than eniues or instance here comes a' fl0u aris with Madame ia spiratious on her buck Of coarse everybody turns to find out whaa fhe faih'ons are Indies are a state cf excitement at tha appearance of such ait immense crnobne for In Paris tills ar ticle ot apparel is worn very large I tarn we bare an introduction to tho long drooping ear pugs exceedingly broaJ beits and great goid Due cics Tta ia Ivq beeaiHcot hoc finery creates a seriauon put into a calico dress and ilio und witLo it leathers would no longer be flue AN ambulating jewelry shod Ah 1 here is a bit of low eomedv a dowa vr not one of nature's favorites inlaid with da iireu Is tojkin as though it up as a ttrget Jevves had been thrown at her at random aud uu1 stuck where thrown Her Lend is studded tuwu ncr eais ciut neek laden with them her gloven iunls tam tle with them Dhs loo is ai object of interest Mag apparently a branch jeweiy tabli hment dia mond deparumiut tteully it is great shame tliat ro tine stone should ba put to so ignoble a use tor shoddy persists in wearing diamonds even ut breaktcst Gentilirv nn vows it will lock up its until the extinction of tho vanJM race Why wdl old women make young fools of themselves and why vvifi ugly people add to their hideousuess by putting it into a showy setting? Jadgiu from citee*ts we should say ihat looking gtasses now UV4l THE BEIGNlNG QUEEN Lo the conquering heroine comes! Eves fronl! anting ceases and every bo ly looks Ye this ii tire queen of faRiion that ifth i venrc Iras set up to wureiiip You and 1 dear Itepubiicut are not to be knocked do vti ov Newport opinion mufoi ueany in cur uvuc kiuii wg cannot aLvw iritir4 thrtii i ia wuma( exalted vceuuse of the total ab cuec of superior attractions in tlia set in which eta iiuves We approve of querns tro a I mro ambuhiriiig fasaitra ates vve fomy "mauo huiuauitv we to srai satiouists and so our Ireatfi is uot taken out oi mu bodies by fire juxtaposition of this Ieraonnge But vve are rctwls a price is seton ear ire vis At the approach every thing and ivcrybo suffers an eclipse mid do no: re cover their normal condition until her train is lost to sight to memory dear Then all lull to and diseuso Hio Ldy beginning with the geaeial i fleet and ending with the second button ou tne left baud glove or a short tme this sort ot tltaig is auuisiiig hot to be dose I with it tmmg tlio entire seasuu is slightly nauseatinglow people i pretentious to eonumm sense CmU iced on such pabaliiin is marvelous yet ou this subject tire wLoie town is nitiil an era tieiter (ii'peiuo wHi tire morning paper than thj last bt of gossq bout airs AMERICAN MANNERS American manners are Our frfli ion is a bare imitaton of Pra isian society Say what we plciuo of the latter it has a polish an elegance oi bearing that make it Wharever may bo their co of inc ram the rench mo ladies aud geatkvuen me moi cor less vu ti cared nu have i' iuiiiioa with ns means nothin bat money mid is (lisgusiiHg Vu'gir ri io ie common couvuitioiq lining foreign surd an i syeakiug reucti imvm tatter thun glisli it represent Hives are disgrace to Hie eeiury It is Pans without the gilding Wh it ftiink yon of ii loading tana walking up an i down tho corridor iu a slouchy uio'uiug suit a iady on liia arm he buily engaged eaf ing imd offering tire eatable to fife uot? This clique ieeito tteuic oi tueir position that they consider themselves pnv iiego I to act out their real na ivres And in mur iiis wo should stiy that they have no advantage over the gods and goddesses of their idolatry A toreigtrer jii first glance wsud be bkdy io com part) New lurk fashions with the GOLD IN THE MINE There is ro denying the genius of Browning He ia a nuiu of vigorous thought and thought in the poetical form But his forms of expres fion are to angular and obscure that his thoughts are inaccessible to by far the greater prat of his perplexed and my tilled rentals He dees not coin his gold for general circulation Le doe not even offer it in ingots of uuqmsiioued value if not in an available form No but Le civcs you the quart rock rich indeed the precious rt'C tfi but yieliiing it only after sveli processes of severe labor and nice chemical analysis ns few wiihug to atteinpt Dnunntis the tew collection of his poems just published by fieknor ields will be admired underst'uidin by au appreciative few and taken on trust by i great many more while the moss of readers if lacy ever take up the book will drop it in oes a'r It cfrntAins eighteen poems several of which have appeared in Hie Atlantic Monthly Among those new to one of the longest is a wtrirical monologue in blank verse known rs Mr Sludge tire Medium" filch is almost as in felligib'e as it is genre Wesul jcin a pungent exhibited in London which is made to ng six song? pronouncing the words quite cis tuctly Helier the muricisn has introduced something similar in New York I Meyerbeer used to compose while walking in the street and was often heard at such time) humming and talking to himself He was so absent minded that he frequently carried an um brella over his heal in a clear day lie had an inveterate antipathy for cats and always felt flint when he met a man suifering with the toothache His last composition was an aria written to Italian words fora Spanish lady friend the Senorita Zapater and he was about to a range rhe accompaniment for the orches tra when his hist islties caiue on The score ot has been put iu rehearsal nt the Grand Opera The work is complete to tlio lart note and the composer went so far as tow'rito with his own hand certain variations of in dividual pass ages so as to suit the ability or iu hnatioa of tire singer Gounod is writing inci dental music on an uuusuiliy grand sealed for a new play by Legou tve iu which MyiIuj? Ris ton will appear at the Theatre Lvriqrc ile is also re writing tire last two acts of at Romo wrtes to a pi per at th savin that he lais no idea of entering a convent and laiinot i'uazme Low that story got afloat He add? he would like to cud hi? days i i Pesth did nut Rome detain Inca wih its magical stoii nt late reeuiutts ha I gone to Catan in Sicily after playing nt Messiira an 1 Naples ucie Gibin arranged a nfive i drama Ims been revived at the Tlieatredu Ciiitelet I he of authors an composers it: Paris possesses a repertoire of 97000 pieces of vocal and instrumental Siigclli the tenor is ingaged to sing an? tut Boulogne prominent characters after locating his young usod for Inscriptions Before lhe printing of books Bisters a new town tn Indians becomes a sur tho old runic tablets were made of beech wool The story though I and the word book is derive 1 from the name of ie tree The name of Buckinghamshire the shire of the beeches corroborates the statement Rev IV Gtge of Watertown formerly1 of Portsmouth IL editor and trenslator of sev era! tamable Germ in geographic ii and biograph i 1 iti books is going over to Germany this fall to irtlicr prosecute German studiei and prepare tot tne reproduction i America other German writings in science and literature particularly a biography of Carl Ritter the erai nt geogtaphi ct! student an proressor of Berlin Mr Gage his now iu preparation for early publication an Hi to deal Atlas and two more volumes nf Prof Rt tes geographic ti sta dies the former by the Ap pletons of New York aul the latter by Mr Scrib ner Mr Gage will write wna letters from Germiuy for The Repnbliean during hi? residence there Mr pamphlet on Our Burien and Strength is having a great nm A thuuraid copies haxj been sent to Europe for distributio: to show iaterestol jmrties there friends aud foes what capacities we have for the work before ns And a foreign minister who real it said he was i more than ever convinced it was the duty of Europe to recognize and otherwise help the Smith at once and bo prevent for tints only could tne nation fail to reach a commandin'? threatening prosperity and power Mr Welk? proposes to write another series of papers or pump rue cntiic subject of rux iUon fit lioruc and abroad exhibiting in detail the foreign sys tems and contrasting them with our own mid proving that labor is and will be much less bur dened here to support tho government than it is mail the leading countries of Europe This is an interesting and popular field of inquiry and Mr Wells cannot fail to produce highly i'mpor ta Ji raets and comparisons The London Athcnseim is not flittering in it? comments upon tho speeches of Wendell Ifeillips After indorsing the statement of another worry a man by giving him too much to think about and yet somehow or other he never sits iown without having ijfle you wish to put a ballot into soaiubo it nd Is for always knows hi? audience and usually leads off with the pln's mt diu iiu to some local pivju iico or That done he tixeo by ific throat some unfortunate man who is not ponuiur with the assembly and goes on to show what a menu ridiculous talrv abominabln itw re He is not addicted to pointing cut the particular end he lias in view or comparing the perniaiioiit good wh ch lie wishes to achieve by an muova vvu niiu iie iriuieiii incuuveiuuueu which may attend upon In reviewing a guile book for Baden Baden the great continental watering place the Athe ntsma will find it useful in keeping them away from the place or in guiding them during thcii sojourn Nature has macle the country a paradise The Gerinai grand duke fot tiie sake of filthy iu ro has made of the town a There congregate no dottra some excellent men raid virtuous women unim peachable gentlemen and immicuhitj ladies but there too is to bo found all the huh rascahy ot the world ni clean Jiiren aud universal huasy dom in An English art 'ever deplore) what he calls tho wanton viicdaiisin tiow being perpetrate 1 at the Louvre at Paris ou eorao of the nnsterpicees of too great artist? The de rertanratioii" bo ave ts iu scrubbing down iu a inilri iaitm tue fine tone ot a pic uro in laying bare tire IJuo tint winch I believe is the fouiidattoa color for iictnres iu desr oyiig tho mellow uod unattainable coloring of tv' all the delicate uud eabo'ra to touches by widen tne great kir how so well to express the deoj thought and foe Liz which animates their works Tliic beautiful picture of Guido giving the kev of ihurch to is washed away to the bu:) coloring a i s) of uiunetous others As to the they are destroyed Tire wo uror' once fine flesh uud bood are now blue vro twnl it is really piteous that a gallery once tho delight of every educated per ou should be tiiui destroyed uud the ictals which wo can do ior their own man has ju got bigiu to thorn i vu aww inc CUlIilflV 1 ou would see taac lie has gut out of the is wiero Ire euu see and go iu any direction bv rad io shall In vc tne rvlroi i to ikrat Aitoima shortly repaired an 1 Mobile taken aiifl Hie i we will ba only 12) mi bv rail to At'anU wo can adzaaro to vti ths Hi 'ength to our base is wo ive now Thr suutu vcotctu in my never wa? in better epirfli th in now uid V3 per cent are for Old Abj nifl ou an die rw taWBtWfe I 1 1 1 ft i I 1 1 a 11 nl' 1 a WIPaW zMIJl jul I LI! 1 1 1011 1 8.

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Name: Terence Hammes MD

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